we shouldbedoingmoreto look after our bees I should work on eye contact at the I like my speech because i have detailed into my conclusion I should speak more louder to the people I was neres when i was talking i feeling like a worm .
Thursday 25 of may room 10 went to the zoo it was the best time ever. we saw a chimpanzee called Lucy it pooed in its hand and ate it. we were all screaming it was funny.Then we went to go and feed the siamangs the one on the left it was the gentle one and the one on the right was the raft one. we went and feed the giraffes it was a massing the giraffes tan was blue it felt like sand paper the ostrich was picking the fence we saw a black swan sitting on her eggs I though the siamangs will eat the eggs but no. in the class room at the zoo we saw a tuatara joseph was hiding be hind my back I asked him" why don't you touch it" then he did do it